Topic outline

  • At the start of your course you are required to complete a project which is driven by the question; what are the key knowledge, skills and behaviours you need to work in/be a …(your vocational area/career goal)…? with an end product that encompasses; how to get dream jobs in….(your vocational area/chosen career)?

    A large part of how you approach the project will be down to you, and to a certain extent the vocation that you are studying, but you will be required to reflect on various milestones set out over this course, work collaboratively and produce, or at least contribute to, a ‘public product’ at the end.

    Some part of your project may relate directly to the assessment of the main qualification you are studying, other elements will complement it.

    Success in your main qualification is very important as this will help you to develop knowledge, skills and understanding of the area that you are considering your career in.  However, whilst employers will value your qualification, they also value, just a much and sometimes more, a range of skills (including English and Maths) that enable people to function effectively in the workplace. 

    Employers are even more likely to be interested in you if, through practical work experience, you have had a chance to practice and develop these skills in a real working environment.  A big part of this project is aimed at helping you prepare for these experiences and to develop skills that will make you more successful in your studies.

    In summary your Induction Project:

    1. Is organised around an open-ended driving question or challenge - what are the key knowledge, skills and behaviours you need to work in/be a …(insert vocational area/career goal)…?

    2. Creates a need for you to know essential content and skills.

    3. Requires your own inquiry to learn and/or create something new

    4. Requires critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and various forms of communication - often known as 21st Century skills

    5. Allows you some degree of student voice and choice.

    6. Incorporates self-reflection, peer feedback and improvement.

    7. Results in a publicly presented product or performance - how to get dream jobs in….(your vocational area/chosen career)?

    Working your way systematically through the sections of this Moodle course will help you to develop the skills you need not only for your project, but to be successful on your course, and beyond it. We call these 'Skills for Success' and you can read more about these in the document at the bottom of this page. The Skills are also mapped against each section of this course.

    You might not use all the resources on this Moodle course as your teachers may suggest alternatives that are more suited to you personally and/or your vocational area.  However, you MUST check the introductory areas of each section as these outline the skills you need to develop and reflect on. Work with your Course Team Leader (CTL) to ensure you've covered everything you need to for your particular project. 

    At the end of each week ALL students are required to complete an evaluative journal entry in their ILP ‘My Learning Diary’ on Pro-Monitor.

  • Skills focus: Investigating, developing a passion

    By the end of this section you should have:

    • Discussed initial ideas for your induction project with your CTL and fellow students (MF3)
    • Completed the Student Code of Conduct and British Values activity (AB1-10)
    • Agreed to abide by the Student Code of Conduct on Pro-Monitor Induction page (AB1-10)
    • Used MyDay (Milton Keynes College App), Pro-Monitor(Portal), Moodle & MS Teams (MF6, DS1)
    • Started your Pro-Monitor ILP including outlining your career goals and aspirations (MF1)
    • Completed the E-Safety SCORM modules (DS9-DS12)
    • Know what to do if you have a safeguarding concern (W6)
    • Attended Maths and English sessions about the importance of these skills in relation to career goals (GF1-3)
    • Explored the KUDOS CASCAID careers Moodle site (MF3-7)
    • Reflected on all of the above, in relation to the project's driving question, in an evaluative journal entry your ‘My Learning Diary’ on Pro-Monitor (MF2)

      The resources and activities in this section will help you complete the points above.

    Folder: 1 Files: 3 SCORM packages: 13 URLs: 4 Interactive Content: 2 Forum: 1
  • Skills focus -  Creativity, critical thinking, problem solving

    By the end of this section you should have:

    • Brainstormed further your project ideas with your peers. This will have included thinking about what you might present, how you are going to present it, who you are going to present to, how to get employers involved/which employers to get involved (your CTL will help you here). (MF2-4, 6-7)
    • Taken part  in a cooperative learning activities such as  team building, critique & negotiation and conflict resolution to help you firm up your project ideas and agree roles with your project team. (GF1-8)
    • Reflected on the skills you developed in these activities (GF1-8, MS1)
    • Considered what aspects of English and maths you may need to improve or need support with to meet your goals and ambitions (MF3)
    • Attended Freshers Fair (W1-6)
    • Reflected on all of the above, in relation to the project's driving question, in an evaluative journal entry your ‘My Learning Diary’ on Pro-Monitor (MF2)

      The resources and activities in this section will help you to complete the points above

    Folder: 1 Pages: 2 Text and media areas: 8 Glossary: 1 Lightbox Gallery: 1 SCORM packages: 10
  • Skills focus -  Planning and researching

    By the end of this section you should have:

    Completed activities around:

    • Creating collections (DS4)
    • Following experts (MS4)
    • Copyright (DS5)
    • Boolean (DS6)
    •  Met with your project team to review progress and discuss how these activities can help you with your project (GF7-8)
    • Reflected on all of the above, in relation to the project's driving question, in an evaluative journal entry your ‘My Learning Diary’ on Pro-Monitor (MF2)

    The resources and activities in this section will help you complete the points above

    Text and media areas: 18 Forums: 5 E-Voting: 1 URLs: 13 Glossary: 1 Game: 1 Pages: 25 SCORM packages: 10 Interactive Content: 8 Files: 3
  • Skills focus -  Creating and producing

    By the end of this section you should have:

    Taken part in activities on:

    • Infographics (DS8)
    • Creating good presentations (MF7)
    • Creating a video (DS8)
    • Creating animation (DS8)
    • Creating pod and vodcasts (DS8)
    • Considered with your project teams how the above might help with presenting your project's public product (GF2)
    • Considered also how your hobbies and interests might help you develop/provide you with relevant skills in relation to their career (MF4)
    • Reflected on all of the above, in relation to the project's driving question, in an evaluative journal entry your ‘My Learning Diary’ on Pro-Monitor (MF2)

      The resources and activities in this section will help you complete the points above.

    SCORM package: 1
  • Skills focus: Completing and rehearsing

    By the end of this section you should have:

    Taken part in activities on:

    • Being confident (AB2, AB5, W4)
    • Preparation for industry placement (GF1-8) 
    • Creating a CV (MF7)
    • Applications (MF7)
    • With your project team finalised your public product plans for Week 6 (GF8) 
    • Reflected on all of the above, in relation to the project's driving question, in an evaluative journal entry your ‘My Learning Diary’ on Pro-Monitor (MF2)

    The resources and activities in this section will help you complete the points above

    SCORM packages: 9 Pages: 16 Glossary: 1 Assignment: 1 Interactive Content: 6 Text and media areas: 3 Forums: 2 Media collection: 1
  • Skills focus:  Presenting, reflection & review

    By the end of this section you should have:

    • Taken part in a careers fair event and/or presented your project to invited guests including employers (MF7, GF6, W4, W5, DS1, DS8)
    • Produced extended group and individual evaluative reflections on your projects and public products (GF4, GF8, MS5, W3, DS9)
    • Identified any opportunities to use evidence from your project towards vocational assessment, your CTL can help you with this (MS6)
    • Met 1-1 for a project review with your Course Team Leader (ALL)
    • Agreed and recorded new ILP targets and actions to achieve for the next 6-8 weeks of your course (ALL)

    There are some additional resources below to help you with the points above:

    SCORM packages: 6
  • Introduction to Academic Writing

    Academic writing is something everyone can achieve. Understanding the differences between the different types of writing styles will enable you to get started with your assignments.

    Our topics / learning outcomes this week are:

    By working through the activities on this course you will build up your writing skills using the appropriate style and language to write your assignments effectively and efficiently.

    You will be able to:
    • Identify basic parts of an essay (Participate in the Writing skills quiz (Starter).
    • List three ways to write good academic essays (Watch the videos relating to writing good   academic essays)
    • Compare 3 different academic writing conventions 
    • Evaluate or analyse what writing style should be used for what purpose.
    • Analyse your own writing style and identify 2 ways to improve it.
    • Determine how to improve your writing from feedback.
    • Provide constructive feedback to others.

    Files: 6 URLs: 2 Forums: 6 SCORM packages: 11 Interactive Content: 7 Page: 1